My mother always said, "Life is short. Death is sure." So true, I realize, given that my good friend Nancy had a life-changing accident falling off her roof (she is healing, thank goodness). It makes me ask, "Am I living my one life as I want?" Have you asked yourself lately what brings meaning to your personal and business life? Consider Mary Oliver's quote:
"Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
This is the time to Assess Progress and Plan for Next Year. [Note, as an executive and business coach I can help you and your organization through this process. Contact me to get this scheduled.]
Assessing My Progress
Here are some of my priorities and goals that bring meaning combined with lessons learned from this past year:
1.PROSPERITY. For me this means attract financial, spiritual, professional, and health abundance, safety, security, serenity, and independence. Read my December 2021 Newsletter about the Marshall Fire that burned 1000+ houses just a few miles from our home. Many friends lost everything. Last week another wildfire started even closer. Thankfully, the Rotary club and my minister both alerted me to prepare to evacuate. At first I froze, but then our family began moving as fast as we could. We had time to notify our neighbors, load our cars with our pre-packed 'go' bags along with computers, photos, camping gear, and other precious belongings, and arrange to go to a friend's house. Fortunately, the fire moved south and we didn't need to evacuate. We had prepared by having our evacuation lists and bags, increasing our homeowner's insurance limits, taking videos of our possessions, starting to get our old family photos digitized (but not all), backing up important documents, and putting more in our safety deposit boxes. Lesson: Realize it can happen to you. Be prepared. Have a plan. Question: How can you attract more prosperity, abundance, and safety in your life?
2. STRONG, TRUE, HEALTHY SELF. I am generally blessed with good health and work daily at fitness, although after nearly two careful years I just got and recovered from COVID-19 and Paxlovid rebound. Looking back over this last year, I recall falling down a few times during my hiking, xc skiing, and mountain biking adventures. Fortunately, there were no broken bones. Why would that happen, given that my physical therapist says I have excellent balance? I wasn't paying enough attention or going too fast during challenging hikes. I had not prepared with the right equipment, so I bought new hiking boots, use my hiking poles, and avoid icy paths without shoe traction spikes. Lesson: Slow down, focus, say no to some activities, and prepare. Continue to make efforts to eat well, exercise, get enough sleep, drink water, breathe, and reduce stress through meditation, affirmations, exercise, and prayer. Question: What are you doing to have a stronger, healthier self?
3.CONNECTIONS. As a total extrovertflSimpl, I treasure caring relationships with my family, friends, and work colleagues. This year brought domestic travel to new outdoor locations such as camping in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in ND with family and lots of CO hikes with friends, as well as making new connections at the New York Stock Exchange Diversity Initiative and through the Deloitte Board Ready program as I strive for corporate board seats. Lesson: Keep exploring and making new friends. Question: What are you doing to nurture connections in your life?
4. CONTRIBUTION. My 2022 theme was "Opportunities to Contribute." Meaningful consulting, board service at Western Colorado University, speaking, writing this e-newsletter, and efforts to scale Radish Systems brought real rewards, along with volunteering with advisory positions at US Digital Response, Blackstone Entrepreneurs Network, and Founder Institute. It is gratifying to see that ChoiceView®, Radish's core product, continues to improve business communications by adding visuals to voice. Lesson: I come alive through meaningful work. Believe, believe, believe that the right opportunities will find you. Have a theme. My 2023 theme is Joy! Question: How are you contributing?
5. FLOW and HAVE FUN. This means be whole and live a balanced life. Be a SUNFLOWER. This year I started and ended each day with Gratitude, Appreciation, and Meditation. I read more books and attended more professional webinars and events. Lesson: Keep learning. Smile. Be joyous. Question: What brings that state of flow to your life?
Assessing Your Progress
Look back on the goals you created as you started this year. Celebrate your progress. As Sarah Van Breathnach says in Simple Abundance, "Don't be discouraged if you haven't achieved them. It's the reaching for them that's important. Make a new list. Carry whatever's still meaningful to you over to the New Year's list."
Plan to Pursue Your Purpose Next Year
Now is the time to establish goals for next year and then put together a plan to achieve them. [Note, as an executive and business coach I can help you and your organization through this process. Contact me to get this scheduled.]
What progress did you make this year toward your priorities and goals? Did you pursue your passionate purpose? What lessons did you learn? What is your plan for next year?
copyright Theresa M. Szczurek 2022-2023. All rights reserved.